Education Above All Foundation

About EAA

 Education Above All (EAA) is a foundation founded by Her Highness Sheikha Moza bint Nasser. Its aim is to contribute to human, social and economic development through the provision of quality education. With a particular focus on those affected by poverty, conflict and disaster, it champions the needs of children, youth and women to empower them to become active members of their communities. By meeting the demand for education, we will equip them to support sustainable development and to nurture environments of peace, security, justice and prosperity. For more Information on Education above all foundation please visit

Types of Projects

Education Health and Disease Poor Social Food Ramadan Water Relief Shelter Development Empowerment Eid Poverty School supplies Building Schools Scholarship Conflict & insecurity civically engaged Life skills Volunteers Humanitarian crisis Youth empowerment Gender discrimination WASH facilities construction Capacity building Community engagement Transportation Gender stereotypes Insufficient gender sensitive WASH facilities In-service teacher training Building child friendly classrooms Disabilities Developing functional skills Quality education Building mobile application Overage status Language barrier Learning disabilities Mental health issues Financial constraints Discrimination

EAA is active in more than 55 countries, below is a selection of projects for this year’s fundraising campaign:

PS.png Palestine SY.png Syria AF.png Afghanistan ML.png Mali QA.png Qatar TZ.png Tanzania, United Republic of